Jes’ Blog
Sometimes It Doesn’t Get Better: A Public Call-Out of OrangeTheory Fitness
We need self-proclaimed allies stop choosing to prioritize cisgender people’s comfort over the inclusiveness and safety of transgender, intersex and nonbinary people.
Why is the left fighting over Joe R Biden?
Having a Democrat in office doesn’t promise us that things will be better. Don’t forget that Obama deported more people than Bushes.
Orangetheory's History of Transphobia
It’s not just about getting our pronouns right. It’s about dismantling these patterns and systems that ultimately lead to very disproportionate statistics of trans folks who are homeless, killed, fired, etc.
Mutual Aid in Chicago
“Mutual aid is a term to describe people giving each other needed material support, trying to resist the control dynamics, hierarchies and system-affirming, oppressive arrangements of charity and social services. Mutual aid projects are a form of political participation in which people take responsibility for caring for one another and changing political conditions, not just through symbolic acts or putting pressure on their representatives in government, but by actually building new social relations that are more survivable.”
Facts about #NoCopAcademy
Twitter user @piao_mina asks how we have tens of millions of dollars for a police academy yet Rahm said he needed to shut down mental health clinics to save $2-3 million.
The Chicago Police Department spends $4 million every single day, not counting the hundreds of millions of dollars in settlements. CPD's budget makes up 40% of Chicago's budget.
I Was Called a Masochist Twice: Millennial Politics in Chicago
Until we can find candidates who care about such basic concepts of humanity, quit blaming millennials for low voter turnout and start blaming the people in power who aren’t worthy of our votes.
Statement Regarding Incident at County Line Orchard
The events that transpired on October 7th have brought to light that there is need to address the treatment of marginalized persons including people with disabilities and people of color as well how we need to resolve conflicts within community without police intervention.
Dyke March Chicago 2017 Was Not Anti-Semitic
The conflict at Dyke March 2017 wasn’t about religious identity but an expressed ideology that marginalizes Palestinians. The issue was a representation of something that does not honor basic human rights of non-Jewish lives.
Trans 101 Guide
When you become an ally of transgender people, your actions will help change the culture, making society a better, safer place for transgender people - and for all people (trans or not) who do not conform to gender expectations.